Teisipäev, 30. juuli 2024

 (9:08 AM)

That's profound! 😂


(11:13 AM)

Need on veel pühapäevased päevikulehed ...

Uni Pin fineliner 0,2 on miski, mis sobib enamikku märkmikest, ka karedatele lehtedele nagu sellel pruunil märkmikul on! Me Väikuga tellime neid Rahva Raamatust 20-25 korraga!

Suhkrutükk mind rõõmsaks teeb! :)

VÕIMATU on seda kaustikut pildistada! 😭
Proovin pikali, nagu riputades, sest kui seda vasakuga lahti surun, hakkab parem käsi pingutusest värisema ja pildid on puha udused :D


(6:15 PM)

Veel tänast päevikut 😙


(9:30 PM)

... ja veel lugemispäevikut.

Oh taevas, kui palju aega nende piltide laadimisele läheb ...
Praeguseks on tegevuste listi lisandunud jooksulint, dušš jne ja teises arvutis vaatan filmi "The Good Liar" -- teises arvutis on netiga justkui veidi paremini, kuid sel ei tööta enamik klahve :D


Muusikat ka, see on enam-vähem kogu päeva taustaks mänginud :)

SYML -- Dim

 I lay next to myself, breathing slow

Car crash in rewind

"There's nothing you could have done", said a soft voice

"Calm down, you will survive"

Leave me out of my mind, sedated

Bitter and blurry-eyed

Please don't look me in my face when I'm wasted

You know you can't relate

And the world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

The world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

Though you had to go, I won't forget your light

The world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

Days come just like our friends with the soft glow

A warm touch that slowly fades

You're just out of my rеach, oh, in the shadows

Still young but weatherеd grey

And the world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

The world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

Though you had to go, I won't forget your light

The world got a little more dim tonight (Whoa-oh-oh)

I will protect your light

I will protect your light

Lay down with me tonight, breathing slow

Back in your driveway

Rest now, kiss me goodbye in the morning

I'm with you always

And the world got a little more dim tonight

The world got a little more dim tonight


Sad and sweet ...🙏💖🙏


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